High GRE scores in graphic image frame with Elon Musk tweet about GRE high score.

Pay Us To Take GRE For You

Watch video. Genius connects into your computer and takes GRE. 320+ or money back (need 330+? Ask). The "hack" to get into Ivy League MBA, JD (Law School), CAA, CRNA, PA, PhD and more.

What we offer

We Take The GRE For You

The GRE can be a tough test to crack 290 on. That's why we offer the option to help you take the GRE for you by connecting into your computer. And we get you guaranteed high scores.

Get GRE High Score Fast

We know how important your time is. With our expedited service, you can schedule the GRE test taking service in as little as 3-5 days and get the high score you need fast.

Genius Takes Your GRE

We have been in the business for over 10 years and have helped hundreds of thousands of students achieve their academic goals. Hiring us to take your GRE gives you a definite edge and certainty.

Proctoring = Solved Problem

Worried about the proctoring? Don't be! We use state-of-the-art technology, strict security measures coupled with routine testing to ensure our GRE test taking service works as it should every time.

Tutor manager dashboard.
Task planner dashboard.

How paying someone to take the GRE works

We give you a date and time to schedule the GRE for. 1 hour before that time we connect into your computer and install software that allows us to take full control of the computer during the test. You complete the Wheebox or ProctorU ID verification and then our genius GRE tutor takes over and answers all the GRE questions for you. You get a very high GRE score, get accepted into highly competitive programs of your choice and live happily ever after. Our service does not require any extra hardware. We will be inside the computer using undetectable screen sharing software that we have developed ourselves. You do not need to use your phone to take pictures of the screen or to get answers from us. We will be answering the questions directly via the screen sharing application. Our method of cheating on the GRE has been engineered over the course of a decade with considerable investment made into research and development. There is no other service out there (that we are aware of) that can match us in terms of quality expert assistance on the GRE. We are more obsessive, dedicated, driven and skilled at taking the GRE for clients.

With NoNeedToStudy.com, you can Pay Someone To Take Your GRE. We connect into your computer, answer the GRE while you pretend to take it, and guarantee you get a 320+ on the GRE or your money back. We typically get scores in the 90th percentile however so you can be confident that you're receiving the highest quality service available at a competitive price when it comes to paying someone to take the GRE for you.

Task planner mobile app.

Why trust us to take the GRE

You can trust us when paying to to take the GRE for you because you’d be paying us with a credit or debit card. We do not take payment in cryptocurrency, Zelle, Moneygram, etc. Why does this matter? If we failed to deliver the high score promised on the GRE because you paid with a credit or debit card you can easily dispute the payment and get all your money back. You should also trust us because we have been in business for well over 12 years, yes that’s right NoNeedToStudy.com has been helping people just like you cheat on high stakes exams and pass courses for over a decade. Why trust this claim? Well The New York Times wrote about us in 2013 (you can look this up), The Atlantic Magazine in 2015 wrote that we were a “big business” (you can look this up too). But what do these old news articles prove, you may ask? They prove that we have been in business continuously for well over a decade. And when you do something for over a decade you tend to become very, very good at it. We care about our reputation and delivering an exceptional service to each client. We are obsessive about sticking to our promises.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

As of 2024 at the federal level in America there is no law against hiring someone to take an online exam for you (this is not legal advice). The GRE is an exam administered by a private company and as long as the company does not suspect you of cheating there is no sense for them to pursue you – this is why hiring a competent company to take your GRE for you is crucial.

This depends on the ethical framework you subscribe to. The GRE is an utterly useless test that is however hugely important and can dramatically alter someones life trajectory and total earnings over the course of their lives. If you subscribe to moral relativism, moral pragmatism or Randian ethical egoism then an action is morally right if it promotes ones self-interest. From this viewpoint, if cheating on an unfair exam significantly benefits an individual’s career and future prospects without immediate harmful consequences to oneself, it could be considered ethically permissible. Whereas if you subscribe to Kantian ethics cheating on the GRE would fail the universality principle (yes, we have put a lot of thought into all this).

We have a 100% money-back guarantee on our GRE service. This means if we for any reason fail to get you the high score as promised, you will receive a full refund. Don’t trust us to refund you? That’s fine, keep in mind you would be paying us with your credit or debit card, and this allows you to dispute the payment and get all your money back even if we did not refund you.

Since 2021 when we started offering the GRE cheating service, our success rate on the GRE has been 100%. We have never had any issues with clients being caught cheating when using our service. Based on our extensive research, even if a client is caught, the worst-case scenario is your GRE score being canceled and the client being allowed to retake the GRE at home again. So the worst-case scenario is a slap on the wrist. This happens when someone is caught hiding a phone on them, etc. Never in our experience has ETS managed to detect intelligent cheating. There are no long-term sanctions by ETS against detected GRE cheaters. Pursuing GRE cheaters will only cause the news media to focus on how the GRE is an easy-to-game test, so from the part of ETS, there is often hesitancy to accuse people of cheating or to go after them (as long as it is done right). Also, to accuse someone of cheating opens up ETS to the risk of lawsuits, which, like all organizations in America, ETS is wary of.

This depends. If you are applying to an Ivy League MBA program and you have a reasonably good GPA, then paying us to get you a high GRE score will allow you to easily get accepted into competitive MBA programs without spending months studying for the GRE. If you are a student nurse looking to get into a competitive CAA or CRNA program, again, if you pay and get a high score on the GRE, it will make your application process a lot easier. We also help applicants pursuing PhDs and other master’s programs. If a high GRE score is table stakes, then paying someone to take your GRE for you can be a wise decision.

You can expect obsessive customer support that responds within minutes (or faster) typically. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – we have multiple customer support teams that operate full 24-hour shifts. We do not observe any holidays. Want to talk to us on Christmas Eve? Yes, we’ll be available. Want to sign up on New Year’s? We’ll be available. Our typical phone hours are Mon-Fri 8 AM to 5 PM EST, but if you wish to speak to us on the phone outside these hours, we will be happy to do so.

The process of paying us to cheat on the GRE is very simple. You hit the Get Help button, submit a request, and we will get in touch with you and explore the specific situation applicable to you and give you pricing. You can then pay us, and we will give you a time slot to schedule the GRE for. You schedule the GRE for that specific time (not some random time). Before test day, we will check your computer and internet, making sure both work as intended. Then, on the day of the GRE test, we will connect into your computer an hour before the test is scheduled to start, set it up with our custom software, and then we’ll start the test session for you. At this point, you will complete the ID verification, room scan, showing the computer screen with your phone/mirror, then the Wheebox or ProctorU proctor will launch the GRE. At this point, one of our designated GRE genius tutors will take over via your computer and answer the questions. Keep in mind we do not require you to hide a phone anywhere near you. We insist that clients put away their phone; our method requires no phone or other extra hardware. We hide inside the computer and our genius tutor answers the questions.

No, given our experience with well over a thousand GREs successfully completed. The proctor is only able to see your face and not your hands. So as far as the proctor is concerned, as long as you keep your face trained on the computer screen, everything is going according to the script. Also, keep in mind Wheebox or ProctorU proctors are stretched thin and often watching 8-15 exams at the same time.

Wheebox/ProctorU and ETS do not use any video or audio-based AI to detect cheating. Why is this? Because webcam quality differs wildly from computer to computer, also they have insufficient training data to discern variance between honest test takers and cheaters.

This is a popular misconception we often have to disabuse clients of. Given that most laptops have keyboards that make varying levels of noise, there is no way for one proctor who is often watching 8-15 exams to listen to 15 different audio streams and listen for keyboard clicks. Add to this fact some people type quietly and some people type loudly; this is not a good parameter to do detection on. As such, ETS and Wheebox/ProctorU, we can emphatically say, do not do keyboard click sound-based monitoring.

Our prices depend on the GRE score you need and the program you are applying for. If you need a low score, the price will start at a few thousand dollars. If you need a high score because for example you are applying for acceptance into MBA programs at Ivy League schools, the price will be higher.

Yes, payment is due upfront in full when paying us to take the GRE. But you have nothing to worry about as far as the payment goes because the payment you make to us is via credit or debit card. If we failed to deliver the score or if we ghosted you, you could simply dispute the payment and get all your money back from us with ease. And it would have been a complete waste of our time and yours.

We can take the GRE for you in as little as 3-5 days after you pay us.

Yes, given the scale at which we are operating and have been doing so for well over a decade, it would make no sense whatsoever for us to violate the privacy of our clients, many of whom come back to us after we take the GRE and hire us to take online courses, write essays, and take other exams for them. So keeping client information confidential is not just the right thing to do for us; it is also the highly profitable thing to do.

The cheating ETS and Wheebox/ProctorU look out for the most are impersonation (someone else taking the test in place of the actual test taker) and use of cell phones during the GRE. They also closely watch for the use of virtual machines and screen-sharing applications like Teamviewer, AnyDesk, Ultraviewer, etc. Wheebox/ProctorU proctors are also vigilant about making sure nobody in the room is giving the test taker answers via signals, etc. How is this detected? Based on the video and audio feed. If the test taker is looking away from the computer screen, for example, it can indicate cheating. We do not use any of these methods to help clients cheat on the GRE.

Yes, this is true ETS has changed proctoring on the GRE to Wheebox, a subsidiary ETS owns based primarily in Bangalore, India. We are still able to assist clients get high scores without issues with Wheebox proctoring just as we have been able to with ProctorU proctoring.

The human proctors for Wheebox appear to be better trained than ProctorU proctors. However Wheebox uses a browser based proctor platform for the GRE this leaves huge room for cheaters to cheat. For example in the past with the GRE ProctorU used their Guardian Browser which ran natively on Windows and MacOS computers.

Yes, our GRE cheating service allows you to pay us to confidentially pass GRE. Our service comes with assurance of confidentiality and a high level of discretion. We have helped thousands of clients take the GRE and our business only works because we keep our clients’ information confidential. All our employees sign non-disclosure agreements that legally bind them to keep client information safe. We are professionals and take great delight in delivering exceptional service to clients. So keeping client information confidential when paid to take the GRE is part of that. If we violated our clients privacy or did not stick to our promises it is highly unlikely we would have been operating in business for over a decade.

As mentioned by Elon Musk in his tweet from 27/Dec/2024 "Requiring a score above the 50th percentile in the Graduate Record Exam would be a good way to weed out those who went to credential mills", the man considered to one of the smartest engineers in the world believes that a high GRE score is a predictor of a persons true intelligence. What better motivation do you need to pay to have someone to take GRE and get you a high score? This is the tweet in question: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1872783029166588270.

Can we speak on the phone?

Yes! We are happy to speak to you on the phone. We offer real phone support to serious prospects and clients. But first please submit your GRE request by hitting the Get Help button. After that we will provide you with pricing *and then* we will get on the phone with you. You can easily discern we are based in America and that we are for real (so for real!) by speaking to us on the phone.

Ready to get started?

Pay an expert to take your GRE Test now.

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